Credit Score

Simple Strategies to Boost Your Credit Score

July 17, 2024

Understanding Credit Scores A credit score is more than just…

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The History of Credit – Part 1

May 31, 2024

Long, long time ago on a faraway planet, the landscape…

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A woman sitting at a table with her head on her hand.

Reasons Why Your Credit Score Might Be Going Down or Taking A Hit

March 27, 2024

Here are some reasons why your credit score might have…

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A visa card sitting on top of a table.

What Happens If I Close a Credit Card

February 9, 2024

Closing a credit card might hurt your credit score, especially…

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A woman holding a plant in a box.

Strategies To Maintain Good Credit In 2024

February 2, 2024

Maintaining good credit is essential for financial stability and accessing…

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A picture of the words check credit report

How to Get a Free Credit Report and Other Financial Reports

March 10, 2023

UPDATE: As of October 2022, the three major credit reporting…

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A man sitting at a table writing on paper.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on credit card use

February 7, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the way people use…

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A close up of credit cards with the words " credit score hacks for 2 0 2 2 ".

Credit Score Hacks

July 9, 2022

Did you receive a raise recently from your employer? If…

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A person holding up two credit cards in their hands.

Why Are Credit Scores Different 

March 5, 2022

Why Are My Credit Scores Different??? â€¯The three-digit number that lenders…

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A close up of several credit cards on top of each other.

5 Major Factors that Affect Your Credit Score 

March 5, 2022

Credit Score Factors    A credit score is a number that…

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