Month: March 2022

A person is using a calculator to calculate their income.

Good Debt vs. Bad Debt

March 5, 2022

The amount of personal debt in America is ever-increasing, and…

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A person is paying for something with their credit card.

How to avoid delinquent accounts 

March 5, 2022

Avoid carrying a balance when possible. Set up automatic payments…

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A person holding up two credit cards in their hands.

Why Are Credit Scores Different 

March 5, 2022

Why Are My Credit Scores Different??? â€¯The three-digit number that lenders…

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A phone and some papers on top of each other.

Budget Strategy organization Chart 

March 5, 2022

Budget Strategy #1 – Organizational Chart â€¯Planning to buy a home?…

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A close up of several credit cards on top of each other.

5 Major Factors that Affect Your Credit Score 

March 5, 2022

Credit Score Factors    A credit score is a number that…

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